5 Reasons to Choose Organic Teas


Two Leaves and a Bud’s goals are bigger than just providing a delicious cup of tea.  We strive to do the right thing for the environment through the business decisions that we make.  That includes choosing organic teas and ingredients whenever possible and using compostable plant based materials for our sachets and wrappers and other packaging.   All of these business decisions play a part in promoting a healthier environment, rejuvenating our soils, reducing waste and greenhouse gases. 

It sounds simple, but it is not.  Choosing organic and choosing composable packaging adds layers of complexity with certifications both in the U.S. and EU. It also plays a factor in our supply chain as we are very picky about the sources we work with and make decisions based not on price or availability but on what is the right thing for our customers and the environment. 

Here are five reasons why Two Leaves and a Bud supports organic products and compostable packaging. 

  1. Nutrient-Rich Goodness: One of the primary reasons people turn to organic products is the belief that they are more nutrient-dense compared to their conventionally grown counterparts. Several studies support the notion that organic fruits, vegetables, and other food items contain higher levels of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. According to a comprehensive review published in the British Journal of Nutrition, organic crops tend to have higher concentrations of certain nutrients, emphasizing the potential health benefits of choosing organic produce (Source: "Higher Antioxidant and Lower Cadmium Concentrations and Lower Incidence of Pesticide Residues in Organically Grown Crops: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analyses," British Journal of Nutrition).

         As part of a wholesome organic lifestyle, consider incorporating organic                   beverages such as tea into your daily routine. Two Leaves and a Bud tea,                 known for its commitment to organic and high-quality ingredients, offers a                 range of teas that can contribute to your overall well-being. Whether it's a                 calming chamomile or a robust black tea, choosing organic tea can be a                   flavorful and health-conscious choice.

  1.  Reduced Exposure to Harmful Chemicals: Conventional farming often involves the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers that may leave residues on the final products. By opting for organic goods, individuals can minimize their exposure to these potentially harmful chemicals. A study published in Environmental Health Perspectives found that people who consumed organic foods had lower levels of pesticide residues in their urine, highlighting the effectiveness of organic practices in reducing pesticide exposure (Source: "Organic Diet Intervention Significantly Reduces Urinary Pesticide Levels in U.S. Children and Adults," Environmental Health Perspectives).
  2.  Environmental Sustainability: Choosing organic products is not only beneficial for personal health but also for the health of the planet. Organic farming methods prioritize sustainability, focusing on soil health, biodiversity, and water conservation. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, organic agriculture contributes to environmental conservation by promoting crop diversity, reducing soil erosion, and minimizing the use of synthetic inputs that can harm ecosystems (Source: "Organic Agriculture and the Sustainable Development Goals," Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations).
  3.  Supporting Ethical and Humane Practices: Beyond health considerations, incorporating organic products into your life aligns with ethical and humane treatment of animals. Organic farming standards typically require the humane treatment of animals, including providing access to outdoor spaces and avoiding the use of growth hormones and unnecessary antibiotics. By choosing organic meat, dairy, and other animal products, consumers actively support practices that prioritize animal welfare.
  4.  Preserving Soil Health: Healthy soil is the foundation of a sustainable food system. Organic farming practices, such as crop rotation, cover cropping, and composting, contribute to soil fertility and long-term sustainability. A study published in the journal Soil Science Society of America Journal found that organic farming systems had greater soil microbial diversity and activity, promoting soil health and resilience (Source: "Organic Farming, Soil Health, and Food Quality: Considering Possible Links," Soil Science Society of America Journal).

Incorporating organic products into your life goes beyond a mere dietary choice – it's a holistic approach to promoting personal health, environmental sustainability, and ethical practices. By opting for nutrient-rich organic foods, reducing exposure to harmful chemicals, supporting sustainable agriculture, advocating for ethical treatment of animals, and preserving soil health, we all can contribute to a healthier and more sustainable future.

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