Are you looking to purchase tea for a business? Visit our wholesale site.
We'd like to suggest that you check out our FAQ database where you’ll likely find the answer to your question right away. Wondering about returns and shipping policies? Check out this page here. Please be aware that because we process orders immediately, we cannot change or cancel orders. Don’t fret, though, we’ll find a way to sort it out for you.
Whatever your question, our small team here in Colorado is here to help, Monday-Friday, 8am-4pm MT, excluding major US holidays.
If you need to report a problem with your order or similar issue please click on the button below.
For general inquiries, please fill out the below form or email, and we’ll quickly get back to you.
In the meantime, we wish you a happy tea time!
Two Leaves and a Bud, Inc.
23400 Two Rivers Rd. #45, Basalt, CO 81621